About Me

In addition to my professional education and experiences, my authentic approach to therapy is intimately informed by the wisdom traditions that have brought healing into my own life.

I often turn to Jungian Psychology, Dream Tending, and Wise Woman Healing. I am a life long meditation, yoga, and reiki practitioner. I find healing in stillness, nature, humor, art, poetry, and the sacred. I love stories.

My job is to listen to your story. I build connection through my natural curiosity. I am compassionate to the different inner and outer lives we all live, the lives we wish we lived instead, and the tension found in between.

Longing, loss, rejection, and other vulnerabilities can be acutely painful, poking our most tender parts. Our darkest fears distort the truth, reinforcing intimate beliefs of not being enough, capable, or lovable.

Since fear lives in our nervous system, as much as in our thoughts, pain can become physical and chronic overtime. It can become important to learn perspectives and methods that target and soothe symptoms in the body, mind, and heart. Together we’ll collaborate to tend your inner experience - creating safer, more compassionate, and empowered ways of being your self.

Warmly, Allison